Friday, September 25, 2015

9/25: Ask Your 8th Grader About...

One thing we like to do as middle school teachers is help give parents some conversation starters with their kids about what is going on at school.  We call it the "Ask Your Child About..." list.  We will try and post one of these lists for each class each week.  Here is the 8th grade list for this week!

Ask your 8th grader about...
... Grandparents Day.
... The Outsiders test and movie
... the 13 colonies
... motion (science).
... Language Arts Interactive Notebooks.
... Peacemakers with Mr. Schiemann.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Scholastic Book Order - Due 9/14

Encouraging reading is one of the most important things we can do to help your child succeed. It can be tough finding the right books to keep them interested, which is why I am so excited that our class will be participating in Scholastic Reading Club this school year.

With Scholastic Reading Club:
  • Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library
  • You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child
  • You'll find the best values on a variety of formats month, your child will bring home Reading Club flyers. Together you can choose from books hand-selected by teachers and experts, and then order online or send your order form and payment to me.

I'd also love some help growing our classroom Reading Club. If you'd like to help out, please let me know or check out our Wish List when you're ordering! I'm excited to get our class reading!

Thank you for your support,

Kresha Schulze
Middle School Language Arts
  •  VISIT
  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code - MFP3G
  •  SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books and value packs
  •  SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Subject Update: US History - 9/3

The 8th graders are getting ready today for their first US History test of the year tomorrow.  These will be taken fairly regularly throughout the course and are in a format they might not be used to: essay tests.  To try and calm any fear or worry about having to write essays, we took a practice test today to prepare them for the format.  As you can see, a topic was picked for the practice test that they could easily take a test on.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Vocabulary Has Begun!

The much anticipated (and often feared) Vocabulary Workshop began today for 8th graders. This book can be daunting, but never fear - it gets easier with time! (Which means it should be a little easier this year - and I already noticed this in class today! Yay!)

8th grade has one vocab class each week during which they will work on their vocabulary. The class time this year, on days when a new unit is assigned, will be primarily self-study. As always, Mrs. Schulze will be available to answer questions and work with individuals or small groups that might need more guidance. We will continue to review together for our quizzes. book focuses on 20 words every two weeks. Our goal is three-fold:

  1. To know how to spell the words
  2. To know what the words mean
  3. To know how to use the words
The activities in the book are designed to help each student accomplish all three goals with each of the 20 words. Look through their book with them this week to see what the different activities are. The activities are the same for each chapter, with only the word list changing.
The rule of thumb I encourage the students to use is: 
If you complete one activity each day, it shouldn't be too overwhelming to complete the chapter.
Here's the general schedule for vocabulary:
  • Week One: Work on a unit
    • If they choose to do one activity each night, it might look like this:
      • Tuesday Night: Choosing the Right Word
      • Wednesday Night: Synonyms
      • Thursday Night: Antonyms
      • Weekend: Completing the Sentence
      • Monday Night: Vocabulary in Context
  • Week Two: Review the unit for spelling and vocabulary quizzes
Unit 1 was assigned today. It is due next Wednesday, September 9. The quizzes for Unit 1 will be on September 16. Unit 2 will be assigned that day after we've completed the quizzes.
Units will nearly always be due on Wednesdays, and quizzes will nearly always be the following Wednesday (unless the school schedule prevents it).
Students can access for learning activities and games related to the words.