Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Subject Preview: Memory

Today was a great first day of school!  One of the topics of discussion today in 8th grade was how memory is going to work for the year.  We will be using a method for memory called, "BIBLE to BRAIN to FAMILY to HEART."

The purpose of memory work is to give the students Scripture that they can appreciate and take with them as they shine the light of Jesus in the world around them.  The way we will be accomplishing this is by having the students memorize 3-5 verses per week (BIBLE to BRAIN).  These verses will be memorized at home and recited to you, the parents.  On their memory sheet, there is a spot to initial that they completed their memory work and for you to date when they completed it.  Turning this in by the due date will earn them 80% for their memory grade.
To earn 100%, they must complete the next step of this memory process.  That step is to sit with their parents and discuss what these verses mean and how it can apply to their lives (BRAIN to FAMILY).  Once this conversation has taken place, either the parent or the student will write some short notes on the back of their memory sheet before they turned it in to show the conversation and discussion took place.  The notes, combined with the initials stating they said it and turning it in by the due date, will give them 100% in memory.  By memorizing and having a chance to discuss it with their family, we pray the Scripture and its message is able to root itself in their hearts and help them understand more about our great God (FAMILY to HEART).

The memory will be handed out monthly with each month broken up into weekly assignments.  Today, the 8th graders received the list of verses they will be memorizing this year as well as the memory assignments for the month of September.  Memory will be due every Tuesday, starting next Tuesday, September 6th.  Memory can always be completed and turned in ahead of time if they choose to do so.

I pray this experience helps open some conversations at home about God's word and his message for us.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

School Year Welcome from Mr. P!

Hello everyone!

I am so excited for this upcoming school year to get started!  Whether you have been at Forest Hills since kindergarten or this is your first year here, this will be a memorable 8th grade year for all.
My name is Terry Plucknett.  I will be the 8th grade home room teacher this year, as well as teaching 8th grade Christian Studies, US history, Digital Literacy, choir, and upper level math.  This is my 9th year teaching at Forest Hills, all as the 8th grade teacher.  I graduated from Concordia University - Portland in 2008 with my Bachelor's Degree in Education with a minor in music.  In the spring, I will be finishing my Master's degree in Educational Design & Technology through Concordia University - Wisconsin.  My wife Cassie (Mrs. P) serves the school as our handbell director.  However, the most important member of our family is little Atticus.  He is 10 months old and enjoys walking, giggling, eating, drooling, and keeping his parents on their toes.

That is just a little bit about me.  I can't wait to start this school year and get to know each of you more!

Here is a short prayer for all of us as we start our year...

We thank you for the many blessings you have given us.  We thank you for the coming school year and for every family that is a part of our Forest Hills community.  We pray you bless the year ahead of us as we seek to glorify you in everything we say and do.  In your precious name we pray.  AMEN!

See you all Tuesday!!!