Friday, February 24, 2017

Subject Update: US History

This week, we started a project on what life was like in the West during the early 1800's.  This project will wrap up next week.  After this, we will begin to look at the events that led to the Civil War.

Subject Update: Christian Studies

This week, we started our study of the book of Acts.  We discussed at Jesus's ascension, the choosing of Matthias as Judas's replacement among the 12 disciples, and the Day of Pentecost.  Our look at Acts will last through most of the rest of this school year.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Subject Update: Christian Studies

This week, we finished our study of the gospel of Mark.  Over the last few weeks, we have been charting Jesus's actions over the course of Holy Week, discussing the last words Jesus said on the cross, and explored all the details of the Easter story.  Next week (Tuesday or Thursday) will be a test over this recent unit, spanning back to the Israel map we studied.  After the test, we will be viewing the 2014 film Son of God in class to see the Easter story come to life.  As this film is rated PG-13, a permission slip will be coming home at the start of next week.