Wednesday, May 10, 2017


The Greatest Mystery Novel & Author of all Time:

And The There Were None    by: Agatha Christie

We will be enjoying this wonderful and suspense filled novel during these next few weeks.  Along with this new novel I am trying a new approach.  There will not be the regular set of questions done after each chapter, rather the students will be filling in a chart that lists the characters and information they learn about them as we read.  This chart is worth 100 points and will be due at the end of our reading.  Students will also be graded daily on their participation in the class discussion.  The only homework will be to read the chapter that was started in class and be prepared for discussing the details.  Discussion will center around what happened, character development, plot & themes.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Subject Update: US History

In our study of US History, we have just about reached the 20th century.  The three chapters we are studying now are exploring the period of immense growth our country experienced between 1870 and 1900.  We are looking at three areas of growth: westward expansion, industry, and immigration.

Over the last week or so, the 8th graders have been working in groups to present these three chapters to each other.  They have all done a wonderful job with this project!  Our presentations will wrap up tomorrow.  Then, we will take a brief look at the Progressive Era before we dive into World War I.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Merchant of Venice  

We have laughed and loved this wonderful Shakespeare play and now look forward to the last novel of the year.  We will be doing a read through with discussion and some written work for one of the most popular suspense novels written. . . 

And Then There Were None

MAP Testing

MAP Testing

Next Wednesday, May 10 all students in grades 6 - 8 will be taking their spring session of the MAP testing.  
Please make sure that no appointments are scheduled for this day. 
It is really helpful for students to get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast.  Students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks and a really good book (book report reading!!) to read in between sessions.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Subject Update: Christian Studies

For the rest of the school year, our Christian Studies class will have two parts to it.  On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, we will continue our study of the book of Acts.  We just finished discussing Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey today.  We will now be studying Paul's arrest and journey to Rome.

On Fridays for the rest of the year, we will be having special Christian Studies classes to help prepare the 8th graders for high school spiritually.  Josh Nix, the DCE from Trinity Lutheran in Hillsboro, is coming in each Friday to help with these classes as we discuss topics like witnessing to others, relationships, and how to handle different situations as a Christian.  We started these classes last Friday by talking about what it means to be in the world but not of the world.  This week, we will be talking about what it means to be Christlike.  These classes will help the 8th graders be better prepared to shine the light of Jesus outside the walls of Forest Hills.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

8th Grade End of the Year Information

Believe it or not, but we are a little over a month from the end of this school year and the end of the 8th graders' time here at Forest Hills.  This year has flown by!  As we approach the end of the year, there are a few things for you to know...

Yesterday, the 8th graders learned about their 8th grade graduation slideshow they need to make.  This will be shown on the night of graduation.  It is their job to put these together, but one thing families can help with is finding pictures to go on the slideshow.  They will need baby pictures, recent pictures, and everything in between.  Ideally, these would be digital pictures, but we can scan them in if they are not.  We will start making these slideshows next Monday so they should all have some pictures by then.

SAVE THE DATE!!!  On Wednesday, June 7th, the 8th graders will be taking their traditional end of year field trip to the coast!  Many parents usually like to come on this last field trip of the year.  More information will be coming home on this later, but I wanted to get the date out to you now in case you want to come along.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Shakespeare Comes to Class!

In Literature class we are moving forward in time to the 1500's and moving north to Europe.  
We just finished The Count of Monte Cristo and am now beginning The Merchant of Venice. 
The students will be reading this as a play in class and working on comprehension questions.  They will also be working on projects that explore different aspects of the theater during this time period. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Subject Update: US History

For about the last month, we have been setting the stage for what caused our country to fight a Civil War in the 1860's.  This week, we have been exploring the specific events that led to half our country seceding from the Union and creating the Confederacy.  This will be followed up with a study of the war itself, as well as the period of Reconstruction that immediately followed the war as our country tried to piece itself back together.  If you want to help review with your 8th grader some of the topics we have discussed in class, you can ask them to tell you about...

Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Final Verdict . . .
We have reached the end of our novel study.  Many were surprised and yet, how else could the story ended?  A great question to ask your student is "Was Dantes' right / justified in what he had done? Why do you think this way." I am sure you will receive some wonderful conversation and insights from your student.
With the conclusion of the book we will be reviewing the characters, plot, and delving into these thought provoking questions.  The final test will be Tuesday, March 14 and then we will begin watching the movie.  Permission slips will be coming home for the movie.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Subject Update: US History

This last week, we started a long look at events that led to the Civil War.  Our first topic was an era of reform that swept the nation in the mid-1800's.  This helped reform prisons and schools, as well as help civil rights causes for African Americans and women.

Next week, we will spend some time choosing research topics for their upcoming research papers (8th grade has presidents!).  Then, we will start looking at the differences in lifestyles between the North and the South before the Civil War.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Subject Update: US History

This week, we started a project on what life was like in the West during the early 1800's.  This project will wrap up next week.  After this, we will begin to look at the events that led to the Civil War.

Subject Update: Christian Studies

This week, we started our study of the book of Acts.  We discussed at Jesus's ascension, the choosing of Matthias as Judas's replacement among the 12 disciples, and the Day of Pentecost.  Our look at Acts will last through most of the rest of this school year.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Subject Update: Christian Studies

This week, we finished our study of the gospel of Mark.  Over the last few weeks, we have been charting Jesus's actions over the course of Holy Week, discussing the last words Jesus said on the cross, and explored all the details of the Easter story.  Next week (Tuesday or Thursday) will be a test over this recent unit, spanning back to the Israel map we studied.  After the test, we will be viewing the 2014 film Son of God in class to see the Easter story come to life.  As this film is rated PG-13, a permission slip will be coming home at the start of next week.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Subject Update: US History

Our history studies recently have been looking at the very start of our nation and how many of our nation's policies were established in those first few years.  Our latest chapter that we wrapped up this week focused on the foreign policies of our first few presidents.  This included President Washington's plan of isolationism, the XYZ Affair under President Adams, the Embargo Act under President Jefferson, the War of 1812 under President Madison, and the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine under President Monroe.

As we continue to study how our government works, we will be taking a break next week from our textbook to watch the 1939 classic film, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.  This film gives an inside look into our nation's Congress and how it operates.

After this, we will continue to look at how our nation continued to grow under the leadership of presidents such as Andrew Jackson.