Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Subject Update: Christian Studies

For the rest of the school year, our Christian Studies class will have two parts to it.  On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, we will continue our study of the book of Acts.  We just finished discussing Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey today.  We will now be studying Paul's arrest and journey to Rome.

On Fridays for the rest of the year, we will be having special Christian Studies classes to help prepare the 8th graders for high school spiritually.  Josh Nix, the DCE from Trinity Lutheran in Hillsboro, is coming in each Friday to help with these classes as we discuss topics like witnessing to others, relationships, and how to handle different situations as a Christian.  We started these classes last Friday by talking about what it means to be in the world but not of the world.  This week, we will be talking about what it means to be Christlike.  These classes will help the 8th graders be better prepared to shine the light of Jesus outside the walls of Forest Hills.

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