Thursday, October 1, 2015

8th Grade Service Opportunities

Yesterday, the 8th graders learned about some of the service projects we do as a class each year.  First, we had a visit from a representative from the Hillsboro Senior Center telling us about our service project there.  On the first Tuesday of each month, four 8th graders travel to the Hillsboro Senior Center to help serve lunch.  As this is during school hours, they will be held responsible for the information they missed while they were gone.  They will miss the end of Science class, US History, lunch, recess, and the start of Fine Arts when they help at the Senior Center.  In your Family Envelope coming home tomorrow, there will be a permission slip that gives permission for your 8th grader to attend any of these Senior Center trips throughout the year.  A sign-up sheet for these trips will be up in the classroom.
Our other service project the 8th graders participate in throughout the year is HomePlate.  HomePlate is an organization that services homeless and at-risk youth in the Hillsboro area.  Three times per week at different locations around town, they offer a meal, fellowship, resources, clothing, and many other things to any young people that need it.  Our role in volunteering with HomePlate is to provide the meal.  On service days, four 8th graders will stay after school, prepare a meal in our school kitchen with Mrs. Nuno, transport the food to the location in Hillsboro, and serve those that come.  The students will be picked up from the location (different depending on the day) at 8:00.  Since it takes up most of the evening, the students who go to HomePlate will be given an extra day to complete any homework that is due the following day.  We have committed to do this four times throughout the school year.  In the Family Envelope tomorrow, there will also be a sign-up sheet for this.  Included on that sign-up sheet is a place for parents to sign up as well.  We need parents to help out for our HomePlate projects to happen.  Please consider accompanying your 8th grader on one of these nights.  For more information on HomePlate's ministry, go to

These are great opportunities for us to serve our community and be Christ's shining light to those around us!

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