Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Subject Update: US History

Tomorrow, we will wrap up our chapter on the events leading up to the American Revolution with a test.  Next, we will start to look at what went into the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence, followed by how the newly-formed United States was able to win a war against the powerful British Empire.

As part of our study, it is good to find ways to bring history to life when possible.  With this in mind, we are planning on watching several parts of the HBO miniseries John Adams in class.  These parts follow John Adams through the hostility in Boston which led to the war, as well as the debate over whether declaring independence was the right thing to do.  We will start watching this on Thursday.  A permission slip went home for this viewing yesterday with some of the details about rating and what is shown.  If you have any questions about this, contact Mr. P.

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