Saturday, September 17, 2016

Literature: The Outsiders

Walking in Their Shoes
These past weeks eighth grade has been reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  The setting is a 1960's small town where you are either a "Socs" living on the right side of the tracks or a "Greaser" living on the wrong side of the tracks.
 To help the class understand the characters better we acted out a few scenes from the chapter.  They needed to act out how each social group would have acted (body language, the way they talked) to help them better understand each group.

They found it challenging but they still had a great time roll playing these scenes.

Ask your child to explain what they are reading.  What have they discovered is the same and different between the "Socs" and the "Greasers"?
What do they think will happen next? 

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