Thursday, September 15, 2016

Subject Update: US History

Yesterday, we completed out first chapter in US History for the new year.  We discussed the expansion of European nations into the New World of the Americas.

We looked at the importance of Christopher Columbus and the conquistadors as they claimed land for Spain.

We saw how New France was started by explorers looking for the Northwest Passage in the St. Lawrence and Mississippi Rivers.

We learned about the missing colony of Roanoke and the real story of Pocahontas when we talked about New England.

We discussed New Netherland, the ill-fated colony that turned into the British colony of New York.

Starting today, we are narrowing our look at US History by focusing on the 13 British colonies that will soon become the start of the United States.  The class is split into groups and will be researching a specific colony and creating a poster of information.

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